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Our Commitment Goes Beyond Words

At Gosalia Hospital, our commitment is more than something we strive for. It's reflected in everything we do. It's part of who we are, and it begins with our dedication to our patients


Infertility Treatments

Parenthood is the dream of every couple. The urge to procreate is genetically motivated & is one of the greatest sources of joy to couples. Yet, given increasing levels of infertility in today’s generation, there are millions of couples who desire for the joy of having a baby!

Infertility in women causes Tubal block and that in men causes low sperm counts or motility. There are many other causes that makes parenthood difficult, if not impossible for such couples.

Timely consultation with us & expert advice from the faculty, can help you overcome the challenges & step into the beautiful world of motherhood.

We at Gosalia Hospital offer wide range of Infertility treatments right from the basic level of Infertility treatment, hormonal support, ovarian stimulation, IUI (Intrauterine Insemination), Artificial Donar insemination & IVF/ICSI (test tube baby) for best possible results.

Comprehensive Maternity Care

Comprehensive Maternity Care

Pregnancy is often one of the most joyous time in life of any woman. Every pregnancy is different. What worked for someone else, might not work for you.

If you feel unprepared, you can always visit our hospital and our Doctors will be happy to assist you Prenatally, Antenatally & Postnatally.

Our Antenatal classes educate you regarding diet & exercise in Pregnancy, Garbhasanskar Session, Yoga exercise & Breast feeding lecture are also conducted at our hospital that will ease your journey during labour and postnatally.

Painless Delivery

Painless Delivery

How about delivery a baby without pain or minimum pain that does not test the pain bearing capacity of a pregnant woman?

Epidural analgesia is a modern scientific technique suggested by us for unbearable labour pain.

Contact at our hospital for more information.

Menstrual Problems

Menstrual Problems

Menstruation is that time of the month when a woman’s body undergoes a number of changes and calls for great care & patience.

Additionally, a few women might encounter menstruation problems (Amenorrhoea, Dysmenorrhoea or Menorrhagia to name a few) that require the attention of a Gynecologist.

For those looking for a reputed Gynecologist our team of specialist are always happy to help you in your time of need.

Govt. Recognised Abortion Center and Family Planning Center

Govt. Recognised Abortion Center and Family Planning Center

There are plethora of birth control options ranging from pills, condoms to implants, the choices are many.

To learn what is suitable for your body, schedule an appointment with our Gynecologist.

Menopause clinic & Cancer screening

Menopause clinic & Cancer screening

It is recommended that you visit our doctor to get a clear understanding about menopause and its associated hormonal changes.

Breast examinations & annual pap smears that we undertake help detect any abnormality at the earliest.



Minimally invasive endoscopic procedures (Hysteroscopy / Laparoscopy) for problems like uterine polyps, fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, adhesions etc. are also available at our hospital.

Advantages are, early post-operative recovery, almost stichless & lesser duration of stay in hospital.

Sonography & Blood Collection center

Sonography & Blood Collection center

3D / 4D Sonography, whole body sonography, anamoly scan, nuchal scan & Color Doppler to name a few.

12 hrs blood collection facility.